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Britain Is Still Paying The Bill For Brexit!

Posted on 21st October 2024

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This report on The London Economic details the outrageous financial settlement that the UK agreed for Brexit: £23.8 billion paid so far, with another £6 billion still to be paid!

The sum, agreed between Brussels and London, is exorbitant by any standards. Add to that the other costs of loss of GDP and tariffs on goods imported from the EU, and we are left with a total cost that no-one in their right mind would contemplate. If the British voting public had known the costs ahead of time, Brexit would have been soundly rejected in the referendum.

The thing that amazes me is that the Conservative government which negotiated the terms of Brexit managed to keep this cost a secret. It has only come to light now because the Labour party is now in power. Keeping voters in the dark about such a huge bill is grossly dishonest, and the Tories deserve to never be elected into power ever again.